Translation Services Available For Accessibility Medical Equipment Customers

For customers who need medical equipment but do not speak or prefer to speak English, we offer translation services for telephone and in-person communication. Whether you are Spanish-speaking, use American Sign Language, or use nearly any other language for your communication, simply contact us at [email protected] and provide your preferred language and phone number and we will contact you, usually the same business day, via a certified translation service.
If you speak some English but are not fluent, you can also give us a call to request translation services at 1-866-201-3829. Our goal is to make accessibility affordable for everyone, and we encourage you to utilize translation services if that is necessary or preferred for quality, effective communication.
These services are currently only available within the United States, so if you are reaching out to us from outside the country, please do so via email and we will use text translation services to make sure we can answer questions and offer products internationally also.
Our goal with the translation services that we offer is to eliminate all communication barriers that our customers may encounter in accessing our products and services, so please let us know if you have any difficulties in communicating effectively with our organization. We thank you for being a customer, donor, or community partner.
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